Welcome to Building Direction for Families

What is Building Direction for Families, Inc.?

Building Direction for Families, Inc. (BDF) is the local Early Childhood Iowa Area and Decategorization Project in Buchanan, Delaware, and Fayette Counties involving local community members and early care, health, and education professionals in collaborative efforts to improve the lives of children and their families. BDF also supports the Community Partnerships for Protecting Children initiative, a state-wide effort to prevent child abuse. 


All children beginning at birth, through age 18, will be healthy and successful.


Families are at the heart of our communities. We envision families growing and prospering in communities that promote family self-esteem, self-sufficiency, and self-determination.

These state supported initiatives encourage community people to develop strategies to reach these results for children and families, including:

This site provides information on planning activities and services available that promote achievement of these results.