About Early Childhood Iowa
What is Building Direction for Families, Inc. (BDF) trying to accomplish?
Our Vision
Families are at the heart of our communities. We envision families growing and prospering in communities that promote family self-esteem, self-sufficiency and self-determination.
Over the past few years, area agencies, public health, schools, and citizens have worked together to develop creative and innovative services for children and families. BDF looks at all services provided, regardless of where the funding comes from, to develop an area plan for a seamless continuum of services.
The purpose of the BDF Early Childhood Iowa is to:
encourage local citizens to lead collaborative efforts involving education, health, and human services programs on behalf of the children, families, and other citizens residing in the area
enable the well-being of families with children ages 0 - 18 years
improve the efficiency, effectiveness, and quality of area services.
BDF receives support from several funding streams, including but not limited to:
Early Childhood Iowa funds
Decategorization Project funds
Community Partnerships Protecting Children (CPPC)
Community Based Child Abuse Prevention
Promoting Safe and Stable Families funds
Criminal Juvenile Justice Planning funds
The search for other funding is ongoing.